Friday, November 13, 2009

Things 13-15

So I've taken several weeks off from blogging. Between spending every free second researching and writing a major paper and working full time, it has been off of my priority list. One does have sleep every once in a while in order to avoid running oneself down so much he or she catches the flu. And just when things settle down, the computer goes on strike. *crossing fingers* It seems Best Buy will be able to heal the problem, but I'm out a laptop and have to use other people's computers to get assignments done. Not very efficient, but it's the best I can do.
Getting back on track means submitting more to this, so here we go!

#13-Tagging and Delicious
I absolutely love Delicious! I found out about it years ago when I first started classes at UW-Whitewater. Being able to save URLs to a website rather than writing them down on a post-it or piece of paper that would invariably disappear seemed like a genius idea! I also like being able to network with other people to see what they are saving to their account and piggyback off any great finds they have posted. The tagging was a little harder to get used to. I had just finished a cataloging and classification class so I was all about using LC and Sears headings; tagging seemed too much of an informal switch. It did not take long for me to get on that bandwagon. I loved being able to put real life terms as a subject or keyword, knowing that someone else may find it using them. And when I saved a URL, popular tags automatically popped up. Genius! I have not tagged in this blog, but anywhere else that I can, I do. It seems like a good idea for accessibility to others.

#14-Technorati and tagging in posts
While I have heard about Technorati before this, I have never had a chance to really look at it. Maybe I am missing some huge piece of the puzzle, but it just seemed like another blog site. Really, one is just like another to me. Maybe once I have time to dive into these things I'll finally get it, but it's not happening right now. It's nice to be able to search by the top blogs and topics; however, it's just one more blogger space being used. I must admit that tagging in the posts is a fascinating idea. If you are a die-hard blogger/blog reader, this is an absolute blessing. This will really simplify finding posts that interest the reader instead of using the hunt and seek method. Definitely a time saver!

#15-Perspectives of Library 2.0
Before going into what the articles I read were saying, I want to use a few lines to say what my personal view are on the topic. Personally, I do not see how libraries can cease to exist in the future. There will always be a need for places of knowledge; textbooks cannot possibly provide all the information needed. A library will be the most likely place for people to gather in order to research, pleasure read, and gather. Let's face it, libraries are more than just books. This will only increase, but books of some sort will always be around. Will paper books be a thing of the past? Probably, but I don't see that happening in my lifetime, and I'm 30. It will be a long while before there is no print available. And even if books migrate to a purely electronic form, the library will provide the outlet for those who do not have the individual resources to provide it for themselves. I believe libraries will always be needed, even if the printed page is no more. Sorry, guess that ended up being more than a few lines. Hope you enjoy the epic being written here!
"To a temporary place and time" was the best article I read, even though I enjoyed all three. This pretty much laid out exactly where we came from, where we are now, and makes conjecture about where we are going based on current trends. Looking at Library 3.0 amd 4.0 is probably more spot on that most realize at this point. Or maybe not those that already work in the library world. If I gave this to a non-library worker, they may be astounded by these predictions, especially those who may not use a library very often.
"Into a new world of librarianship" focused on the librarian as a profession. What does a librarian need to do to stay relevant? What skills need to be brought to the table in a library of the future? As the library needs to evolve, so do the people who work in one. Without change, stagnation sets in. This is NOT what we need. We are already fighting stereotypes about the job, we do not need to bring about any new ones that may be detrimental to our survival as a profession.
"Away from the icebergs" takes a look at some of the policies that libraries employ now that may very well hurt us in the future. Do we need to throw everything away and start from scratch? Absolutely not! The article merely talks about how we can tweek what we have to get where we need to be in the future. And let's keep in mind that this is a process, it takes time to shift policies, procedures, and ways of thinking. Plus, what works now may still work in the future; we must constantly assess what we are doing that works well and what doesn't. This assessment and evaluation will help us avoid bogging ourselves down when it really counts.

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